To be in fashion today means to be extremely aware of the damage that we are capable of inflicting on nature, our planet and ourselves.
  • 20 of Iran’s mammal species and 14 bird species are endangered. At least another 74 species of Iranian wildlife are on the red list of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a sign of serious threats against the country’s biodiversity.
  • Species like tigers, the Asiatic lions and the Syrian elephants are already extinct.
  • Other species, like the Iranian Cheetah, stand on the verge of extinction and will be lost forever if action is not taken immediately.

How to contribute?

  • Donation

    You can donate an amount to our bank account:
    ABN AMRO Bank
    Account number NL90 ABNA 0250905736
    Swift code ABNANL2A
    Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

  • SMS

    Simba to 3010
    (Costs 3,00 euro per donation)

  • Projects

    If you are a student or otherwise interested, be in contact with us

  • Store

    You can buy high quality products from our store
    The benefits of your purchase will be spent for nature protection and education.

  • Travel

    You can Travel to Iran
    The benefits from your travel will be spent for nature protection and education.

  • Volunteer

    You can help us with your capability
    Open hours and help the way you want.

Wildlife is at the brink of destruction! Due to destruction of forests and other wildlife habitats, pollution, climatic changes and extensive hunting of animals, many species of wildlife have become extinct. And when a species disappears, it is gone forever!

Wildlife and habitat destruction have also upset the whole mechanism of natural regulation and balance, which could endanger our very existence.

Naturally not everyone is able to afford to contribute financially to our projects, but we are also sincerely grateful to those that are able to come and join us, and in doing so, facilitate the essential preservation of nature and wildlife for future generations.

Remember our motto:

Imagine what would happen if each and every one of us committed to do one thing – no matter how small – to protect wildlife every day. Even minor actions can have a major impact when we all work together.

Current Contributors