After a successful cooperation between Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science and Stichting Simba on the ‘Kaveh’ project, this semester two student groups from Van Hall Larenstein took on a new challenge called the ‘Shalimar’ project.
Shalimar Project
The Shalimar center is a shelter for cats and dogs which are found in the streets of cities all over Iran. Read more about this project here.
In the module, the students were working on designing a complete plan for establishing a Shalimar center. This also included choosing a legal form, designing a concept building, keeping all rules and regulations regarding an animal shelter in mind, develop a management and employee structure, but
also the financial requirements that go along with establishing a center.
Two shelters
Each group had a different starting point. The group that was responsible for developing ‘Shalimar 1’, focused on a smaller scale shelter, based on an existing shelter for cats in Tehran, Iran. The other group was responsible for ‘Shalimar 2’ and their focus was on a larger center which has to be established from scratch.
Both groups of students did an excellent job, which resulted for Stichting Simba in two complete plans. These plans can be, with a little adjustment, presented to funding organizations without any problem.
Our gratitude goes out to the students for their wonderful work, their teachers for their excellent counseling and our president Marjan van der Schaaf who guided the groups in the right direction from a practical point of view.