Team Delft returned home


On 30 January 2019 the home-coming presentation of Team Delft, also known as Negin Safari park team and consisting of Grytsje de Boer, Mees Dekkers and Luc Haagh, took place at the university premises in Delft.

Succesful return

Together with the other teams, which went on a three months research study to all corners of the world, the successful return of the Negin Safari park team was celebrated. After an evaluation meeting with our president Marjan van der Schaaf and Otto Kroessen, the supervisor of this project at Delft University, the team gave a presentation for their fellow students, teachers and a team of experts.

Research for Negin Safari Park

The presentation was successful, as well as the whole project. In the three months Negin Safari Park team was in Iran, they researched all aspects of Negin Safari Park. The team looked amongst others at the budget and the number of visitors to make the park profitable, the animals which will live at the park, the activities which will be organized in the park, the Iranian laws and regulations etc.

General design Negin Safari Park

And, very important, they have outlined a general design for Negin Safari Park and have harvested valuable information. This information is needed by Naftany van Zwaaij and Priyadarshini Nanda, the master students in Building Technology, who stayed behind in Delft. They are still working on the design of Negin Safari Park and it’s energy and water supply.

Valuable help and wonderful contribution

We like to take the opportunity here to thank once again Grytsje, Mees and Luc very much for their wonderful contribution to our Negin Safari Park project and of course we also want to express our gratitude to Otto Kroessen, who supervised this extensive project in an excellent way. His help was so valuable to us and we are looking forward very much to the next project in cooperation with TU Delft.