Launching website
In September 2017 we launched our official website, which was the first important milestone after our establishment in July 2017.
Contact with Dutch universities
The next step we took was getting into contact with many well-known Dutch universities. Universities such as TU Delft, University of Twente, Agricultural University Wageningen and TU Eindhoven. The idea was to promote our foundation and to find students and teachers who can help us with our plans.
We also wrote our Rescue Plan for Iranian Wildlife, an overall plan which integrates all our projects to one complete plan.
Embassies, governmental institutions, universities, locals
In February 2018 our President, Marjan van der Schaaf, travelled to Iran and had meetings there with amongst others the Dutch Embassy, the UN in Iran, sponsors, NGO’s, universities, local people like the nomadic Quashqai tribe and of course local Iranian governmental institutions to find support and cooperation for our plans in Iran.
The results of this trip were very good and all the persons and organizations which Marjan visited expressed their support and cooperation for the plans and gave her concrete information and ideas to work with.
Student internships
When she returned to Holland, Marjan met again with the Dutch universities, which resulted in several internships for students. Some of these students already started their internship, like the student which is working on the animal shelters / dog training centers and the student which is working on the animal hospital and wildlife rehabilitation care. Other students will start working in a few months on Armaiti knowledge center for agriculture and livestock farming, Negin safari park in cooperation with the Quashqai tribe and the water projects.
The Phoenix of Iran
Next to that we have been very busy with finding new ways of fundraising, like the art project which you can read more about in the news item here.
Sale of traditional Iranian products
Other options we are currently investigating is a cooperation with European companies in the field of leather bags, books and jewelry as well as several other Iranian products which can be found in our store. It is very important to always keep looking for original ways to raise funds for our projects.
Joining NGO Simba as a volunteer
Clearly, there have been very interesting developments over the past few months, but these developments are also very time-consuming. That is why we are really looking for talented volunteers now who like to join us and can help us with their specific skills and knowledge to save Iranian nature and wildlife as we speak and preserve it for future generations.