For an NGO like Stichting Simba, fundraising is the number 1 priority. To realize all the projects we are currently working on and to start up future projects, the NGO requires a lot of financial support. That is why we will explore all kinds of methods for fundraising, big and small.
Handmade productsale at small events
For starting, we participate in fairs, flea markets and other local, small events to sell some handmade products or second-hand articles which are donated by our supporters. We also have a few selling points where we are able to continuously sell these products.
Of course we participate in all of these methods at the lowest possible costs or for free, because we absolutely do not want to spend more money than is strictly necessary. We discuss beforehand with the organizer of the event or the owner of the store what the options for discounts or free participation are and also see if we can agree on the conditions in participating.
All yields after costs go directly to our projects.
Productsale in stores
We also do business in a larger scale. By approaching European companies with our products from the store and other business opportunities we try to establish a (long-term) business relationship with these companies.
As always, the benefits of the resulting business transactions will go directly to our projects.
Organizing activities for fundraising
Next to that we organize activities for fundraising our foundation. A good example are our travel options to Iran. We composed several interesting trips for our guests and again the yields after costs go to our projects directly.
Recruiting donors
Another option is recruiting donors. We ask people to support our foundation one or more times or contribute each year a certain amount to the foundation for which in return they receive for example a few times per year a news magazine about the organization and our projects. More information about donations or contributing can be found here.
Contributors and support
Finally, one of our most important sources of income is the support we receive from companies and other organizations, big and small. Their support can be of course financially but donating products, goods, services, expertise and much more are also common.
Wonderful examples are the support Stichting Simba already received from Bakker Ontwerp and WP Balie for developing our website and the long-term cooperation with Natuurmuseum Fryslân.
We are very grateful for all this valuable support and therefore you can find the websites of our contributors here.